
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Britt Nicole is Thankful for... Adventure

Britt Nicole missed posting yesterday for her thankfulness challenge, so she may post twice today. Today she shared that she is thankful for ADVENTURE! Check out the SUPER inspiring post that she shared below! :)
"#31daysofthankfulness continues today ...because yesterday I was too busy being momma and didn't get a chance to post! I might post two things today to catch up.... Today I am thankful for adventure! This is something God has been teaching me, and then @v4victree bought me a sign that says "Everyday is a NEW adventure" that really inspired me. It's so easy to get stuck in the mundane of life and never try anything new, never go anywhere, never venture out! I want to look at each day as a new opportunity to LIVE! TRULY LIVE! As a mom and just a woman I can get so stuck on my list that I need to accomplish each day that I forget to breath, I forget to laugh, much less have adventure. As of late, I have been stopping everyday and asking myself what is really important right now. Sometimes I will have a choice between cleaning out a closet, or going for a walk with my kids... Sending an email, or trying out a new song idea. It's easy to go with what's on the list, But try to ask yourself what's really important right now. Don't get me wrong, sometimes we have to get what's on the list done, but sometimes we need to stop and have an adventure. Picture taken by me in Florida. Daddy and AJ trying out daddy's new long board! :) this is daddy's new adventure :)"

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