
Sunday, June 12, 2016

Britt Nicole to Finish New Album Today

EXCITING NEWS, Royal Nation! Britt Nicole and Josh have been hard at work (and getting little sleep) the past few days. Why? According to Josh, Britt Nicole's new album is to be submitted at the end of today to her record label for finalization. Which means... the new album release is on the horizon! Check out some of the recent posts made by Britt and Josh regarding this awesome news! Also, be sure to thank them if you run into them (and maybe give them some Starbucks!) ;) We love you, Britt & Josh, and we cannot wait to hear the new record! :)

Then Josh discovered some awesome new drum beats to add to one of the new Britt Nicole tracks! :) 



  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!! I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!! I SHOULD START A COUNT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. So is it out now and can we buy it or it is released but songs added?!!

  3. Hello! No, it just means that they are finalizing how it sounds in the studio. It then has to go to the record label and be approved. It is not available for purchase yet, but Britt will let us know when it is. Get excited! :)

  4. I just found this blog!!! SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm EXCITED for the new album!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be following this site!!!!

  5. Hello! I am so glad that you found my site! :) Welcome!
