Britt Nicole stopped in Bossier City, LA with the Hits Deep tour for their 22nd show. A few of our fellow members of the Royal Nation got to meet Britt too! :)
"addyylindsayOk before I start freaking i promise that the bald looking spot on the side of my head is just how my hair fell because rain and wind are realllllll. #NoHairLossHappeningYet SO. Today, I was reminded so sweetly just how much The Lord cares about the desires of our hearts. I had been praying for years & specifically over the last few months to have an opportunity to meet Britt. Well, He definitely showed Himself up. 🙌🏼 i had been communicating with her personal assistant, sweet @v4victree, for a few weeks now & she actually contacted me FIRST on meeting Britt from seeing all my comments on her posts. Another miracle💕 i came today knowing there was a very real possibility to meeting Britt but man did He go above & beyond. I met Victoria at an entrance & she then took me backstage to Britt's tour bus!! Not only did I get to walk through where all the magic happens & see @laneyredmon (her dancer), @iamhollyn, & @officialtobymac but I went INSIDE Britt's tour bus. She was just chilling with my other friend @jolenes96 that loves Britt as much as I do😉 so it was exciting that I got to finally meet her too! When Britt saw me she immediately knew who I was, my first & last name, & that she had seen my comments on her page & was like this girls awesome i have to meet her!! Haha! She treated me like her friend. She was so laid back & relaxed it was actually kinda hard to picture her performing & being famous haha:) she showed me where she slept on her bus (with 12 other people😳), showed me a picture of her precious babies (i was pretty mesmerized seeing her phone & her wallpaper tbh😂), & asked me about me. My dreams, my life, my hobbies, me. She listened to me & she is the definition of encouragement ya'll. She told me how sweet I was, beautiful, how God has amazing plans for me, how much joy i radiated, & so much. When I told her how much she means to me she was always like awww thank you babe haha:) she was always hugging me throughout the conversation (she is the BEST hugger haha) she sang Ready or Not with me, interviewed me & a few other fans for a future fan video project, wrote me an amazing note on my poster, & prayed over me. We literally were in an embrace for 2 min of her just praying over me & my heart. She was so cool & i felt like her friend & not a fan. She started tickling Emery (haha) & she started talking about her little girl. She encouraged my heart so much when she said that I had such a joy & happiness about me & that she doesn't see that a lot with girls my age & how i know my identity. She spoke God's truth & love over my life in such a loving way & she made me feel so, so, so loved. Britt, you are just incredible. I know ministry & having a family & being on the road nonstop is hard but you do it oh so gracefully. Thank you for loving me like you did. Jesus is so, so good & He shined through every word you said & action you took. I love you more than words!! 💕 @itsbrittnicole #HitsDeepTour #BrittNicole"
So glad I got to meet @itsbrittnicole while onstage with @officialtobymac! Such a fantastic time! 4-1-16— Jerrica Wilson (@JWil07) April 2, 2016
@itsbrittnicole you rocked tonight wow!!! 😍😍— Abi (@_walkonthewaves) April 2, 2016
@itsbrittnicole this is my all time favorite song, and I'm so happy you did it. Such a good reminder❤️ #GOLD— Abi (@_walkonthewaves) April 2, 2016
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