Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Trivia Question: What is Britt Nicole's Favorite Fan Moment?

Answer: "You know, my favorite thing about making music is meeting the fans and getting to hear their stories and I can think of so many young girls that I’ve met that have said, I heard your song and it helped me not struggle with an eating disorder or stuff like that, [and] that’s just life changing to me. So those are my favorite moments honestly with them, even though sometimes they’re hard moments and the fans might even be crying. I had a fan yesterday, I had a meet and greet, that started crying and one of the girls that was traveling with me was like, is that weird? Is that awkward for you to experience that? But you know, I love those moments because I feel like they can open up and just share their heart and their stories with me and that’s what I want to do as an artist."

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